Wedding Timeline Guide

The purpose of this page is to assist you in creating a timeline/run sheet for your wedding day, as well as provide other recommendations based on the experience of photographing numerous weddings over the years.

A sample timeline for a full day wedding would look like this:


10:00 am - Hair and makeup

  • Our arrival time typically ranges between 10 and 11am, which may vary depending on the final stages of the bride's makeup. The exact time could also be influenced by factors such as the number of bridesmaids requiring hair and makeup services or other logistical considerations.
  • Throughout this period, we capture photographs of other important elements, such as the flowers, wedding gown, shoes, suits, rings and so on.
  • We will also take candid moments in between.


1:00 pm - Get into dress


1:30 pm - Leave for venue. Allow time for travel to the venue or photoshoot location.


2:00 pm - Ceremony commences.


2:30 pm - Ceremony finished. Couple mingling with guests.

  • Following the ceremony, it is recommended to allocate approximately 30 minutes for guests to mingle with you and offer their congratulations.
  • Once the mingle has concluded, we suggest taking a large group photo, followed by smaller family group photos. To ensure a smooth and organized process, we recommend appointing someone to call out each group's turn for photos, as we may not know everyone. It is advisable to allocate approximately 3 minutes per family photo. A free template for family photos can be provided to you which can be modified to include or exclude any groups as needed. Simply pass the updated list to the designated person(s) to assist with calling out the groups. It is important to note that the more family photos there are, the more time will be required.

3:00 pm - Group photos - includes one big group photo followed by smaller groups.


4:00 pm - Bridal party photos and photos for the bride and groom.


6:00 pm - Speeches


6:30 pm - Dinner


7:30 pm - Cake cutting


8:00 pm - First dance

  • We will capture the first dance and stay a bit to capture people dancing and will leave so you and your guests can enjoy the rest of the night.

Things to consider:

Golden Hour:

The timing of golden hour can vary depending on the season or weather. If the opportunity arises during golden hour, we can take a few minutes to capture photos of you as newlyweds.

First Look:

A number of the couples we have photographed have opted to do a first look before the ceremony. In this case, the bride and groom will have their first look and then proceed to take family photos if desired. By taking this approach, you can minimize the time spent away from your guests and enjoy more time catching up with them during your wedding day.